Define a Conference

Using PyCon UK 2016 for example data, let us consider how we might define a conference and pass the necessary data to the scheduler.

The aim here is to show how we might use simple data structures and formats to hold the information we require and then parse and process those structures into the necessary form for the scheduler.

We’ll use a variety of simple Python data types, YAML and JSON documents and we’ll include both inline data and external files. This is simply by way of example and it’s likely that a real application would standardise on far fewer of those options than are shown here.

Data Structures


In 2016, there were three types of event: talks, workshops and plenary sessions and these were held in five rooms at Cardiff City Hall. Not all the rooms were suitable for all types of event.

We can capture this information using a Python list and dictionary:

>>> event_types = ['talk', 'workshop', 'plenary']

>>> venues = {
...     'Assembly Room': {'capacity': 500, 'suitable_for': ['talk', 'plenary']},
...     'Room A': {'capacity': 80, 'suitable_for': ['workshop']},
...     'Ferrier Hall': {'capacity': 200, 'suitable_for': ['talk']},
...     'Room C': {'capacity': 80, 'suitable_for': ['talk', 'workshop']},
...     'Room D': {'capacity': 100, 'suitable_for': ['talk']}}

The events took place over the course of five days in September but, for this example, we are not considering the first day of the conference (Thursday) or the last (Monday). There were talks given on all three of those days (Friday to Sunday) but the workshops only took place on the Sunday.

Here is how we might represent this information using JSON:

>>> import json

>>> json_days = """{
...     "16-Sep-2016": {"event_types": ["talk", "plenary"]},
...     "17-Sep-2016": {"event_types": ["talk", "plenary"]},
...     "18-Sep-2016": {"event_types": ["talk", "plenary", "workshop"]}}"""

The time periods available for the three event types were not the same and they were also grouped for talks but not for the other two.

This time using YAML, here is how we might represent that information:

>>> yaml_session_times = """
...     talk:
...         morning:
...         -
...             starts_at: 10:15:00
...             duration: 30
...         -
...             starts_at: 11:15:00
...             duration: 45
...         -
...             starts_at: 12:00:00
...             duration: 30
...         afternoon:
...         -
...             starts_at: 12:30:00
...             duration: 30
...         -
...             starts_at: 14:30:00
...             duration: 30
...         -
...             starts_at: 15:00:00
...             duration: 30
...         -
...             starts_at: 15:30:00
...             duration: 30
...         evening:
...         -
...             starts_at: 16:30:00
...             duration: 30
...         -
...             starts_at: 17:00:00
...             duration: 30
...     workshop:
...         None:
...         -
...             starts_at: 10:15:00
...             duration: 90
...         -
...             starts_at: 11:15:00
...             duration: 105
...         -
...             starts_at: 14:30:00
...             duration: 90
...         -
...             starts_at: 16:30:00
...             duration: 60
...     plenary:
...         None:
...         -
...             starts_at: 9:10:00
...             duration: 50"""


For the events which need to be scheduled, we have the talks that were accepted for PyCon UK 2016 in a YAML file


When organising any conference, it is common that speakers might be unavailable to attend on certain days or for certain time periods.

Although we don’t have the real information from PyCon UK 2016, for this example, we can create some fictitious data. Let’s say that Alex Chan was not available on either the Friday or the Sunday morning:

>>> yaml_speaker_unavailability =  """
...     Alex Chan:
...     -   unavailable_from: 2016-09-16 00:00:00
...         unavailable_until: 2016-09-16 23:59:59
...     -   unavailable_from: 2016-09-18 00:00:00
...         unavailable_until: 2016-09-18 12:00:00"""

It’s also common for speakers to request that their talk not be scheduled at the same time as somebody else’s that they would like to attend. For example, in 2016, Owen Campbell asked that his talk not be scheduled opposite his son’s, Thomas Campbell. Let’s also say that Owen wanted to attend David R. MacIver’s talk ‘Easy solutions to hard problems’ (because he wanted to be inspired to create this library):

>>> yaml_speaker_clashes = """
...     Owen Campbell:
...         - Thomas Campbell
...         - David R. MacIver"""

Loading into Python

Since we used a Python list and dictionary for the event types and venues, those are already available to us.

Next, we need to load the JSON and YAML data so that it too becomes available as lists and dictionaries. First, let’s load the JSON document which holds the ‘days’ information. We’ll include a function to convert the strings representing the dates into proper Python datetime objects.:

>>> import json
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from pprint import PrettyPrinter

>>> def date_decoder(day):
...    for key in day.keys():
...        try:
...            new_key = datetime.strptime(key, '%d-%b-%Y')
...            day[new_key] = day[key]
...            del day[key]
...        except:
...            pass
...    return day
>>> days = json.loads(json_days, object_hook=date_decoder)

>>> pp = PrettyPrinter()
>>> pp.pprint(days)
{datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 0, 0): {'event_types': ['talk', 'plenary']},
 datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 17, 0, 0): {'event_types': ['talk', 'plenary']},
 datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 18, 0, 0): {'event_types': ['talk',

We can load the YAML document containing the ‘session times’ information in a similar fashion. Again, the data is loaded into a Python dictionary with each event type as a key mapping to a further dictionary with the session name as key and a list of slot times as its values. The start times are converted to an integer representing the number of seconds since midnight:

>>> import yaml

>>> session_times = yaml.load(yaml_session_times)

>>> pp.pprint(session_times['workshop'])
{'None': [{'duration': 90, 'starts_at': 36900},
          {'duration': 105, 'starts_at': 40500},
          {'duration': 90, 'starts_at': 52200},
          {'duration': 60, 'starts_at': 59400}]}

And also the file containing the talks:

>>> with open('docs/howto/pyconuk-2016-talks.yml', 'r') as file:
...     talks = yaml.load(file)

>>> pp.pprint(talks[0:3])
[{'duration': 30,
  'speaker': 'Kevin Keenoy',
  'title': 'Transforming the government’s Digital Marketplace from portal to '
 {'duration': 45,
  'speaker': 'Tom Christie',
  'title': 'Django REST framework: Schemas, Hypermedia & Client libraries.'},
 {'duration': 30,
  'speaker': 'Iacopo Spalletti',
  'title': 'django CMS in the real time web: how to mix CMS, websockets, REST '
           'for a fully real time experience'}]

Finally, the unavailability and clashes:

>>> speaker_unavailability = yaml.load(yaml_speaker_unavailability)

>>> pp.pprint(speaker_unavailability)
{'Alex Chan': [{'unavailable_from': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 0, 0),
                'unavailable_until': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 23, 59, 59)},
               {'unavailable_from': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 18, 0, 0),
                'unavailable_until': datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 18, 12, 0)}]}

>>> speaker_clashes = yaml.load(yaml_speaker_clashes)

>>> pp.pprint(speaker_clashes)
{'Owen Campbell': ['Thomas Campbell', 'David R. MacIver']}


Before we can compute a schedule for our conference, we need to create the Event and Slot objects required by the scheduler.


The nested structure we have used to define our session times is convenient and readable, but it’s not the structure required by the scheduler. Instead, we need to flatten it so that we have the start time, duration and session name at the same level. We’ll create a dictionary of these with the event type as a key as we’ll need each associated list separately later on:

>>> slot_times = {
...     event_type: [{
...         'starts_at': slot_time['starts_at'],
...         'duration': slot_time['duration'],
...         'session_name': session_name}
...         for session_name, slot_times in session_times[event_type].items()
...         for slot_time in slot_times]
...     for event_type in event_types}

>>> pp.pprint(slot_times['workshop'])
[{'duration': 90, 'session_name': 'None', 'starts_at': 36900},
 {'duration': 105, 'session_name': 'None', 'starts_at': 40500},
 {'duration': 90, 'session_name': 'None', 'starts_at': 52200},
 {'duration': 60, 'session_name': 'None', 'starts_at': 59400}]

Now, we can use that flattened structure to create instances of conference_scheduler.resources.Slot. A Slot instance represents a time and a place into which an event can be scheduled. We’ll combine the slot_times dictionary with the days list and the venues dictionary to give us all the possible combinations.

Again, we’ll create a dictionary of those with the event type as key because we’ll need each list of Slots separately later on:

>>> import itertools as it
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> from conference_scheduler.resources import Slot

>>> slots = {
...     event_type: [
...         Slot(
...             venue=venue,
...             starts_at=day + timedelta(0, slot_time['starts_at']),
...             duration=slot_time['duration'],
...             session=f"{} {slot_time['session_name']}",
...             capacity=venues[venue]['capacity'])
...         for venue, day, slot_time in it.product(
...             venues, days, slot_times[event_type])
...         if (event_type in venues[venue]['suitable_for'] and
...             event_type in days[day]['event_types'])]
...     for event_type in event_types}

>>> pp.pprint(slots['talk'][0:5])
[Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 10, 15), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 11, 15), duration=45, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 12, 0), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 12, 30), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 afternoon'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 14, 30), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 afternoon')]


We can now create instances of conference_scheduler.resources.Event using the talks dictionary we loaded from the YAML file. Once again, we’ll create a dictionary with the event type as the keys:

>>> from conference_scheduler.resources import Event
>>> events = {'talk': [
...     Event(
...         talk['title'], talk['duration'], demand=None,
...         tags=talk.get('tags', None))
...     for talk in talks]}

>>> pp.pprint(events['talk'][0:3])
[Event(name='Transforming the government’s Digital Marketplace from portal to platform', duration=30, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=()),
 Event(name='Django REST framework: Schemas, Hypermedia & Client libraries.', duration=45, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=()),
 Event(name='django CMS in the real time web: how to mix CMS, websockets, REST for a fully real time experience', duration=30, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=())]

We then need to add our unavailability information to those Event objects. It’s currently in a form based on the speaker so that it’s easy to maintain but we need it based on the talks those speakers will give. We’ll create a dictionary with the talk index as its key and a list of slots in which it must not be scheduled. (This will give us a dictionary with the index of Alex Chan’s talk as the key mapping to a list of all slots on Friday and Sunday morning):

>>> talk_unavailability = {talks.index(talk): [
...      slots['talk'].index(slot)
...      for period in periods
...      for slot in slots['talk']
...      if period['unavailable_from'] <= slot.starts_at and
...      period['unavailable_until'] >= slot.starts_at + timedelta(0, slot.duration * 60)]
... for speaker, periods in speaker_unavailability.items()
... for talk in talks if talk['speaker'] == speaker}

>>> pp.pprint(talk_unavailability[55][0:3])
[0, 1, 2]

And then add those entries to our events dictionary:

>>> for talk, unavailable_slots in talk_unavailability.items():
...     events['talk'][talk].add_unavailability(*[slots['talk'][s] for s in unavailable_slots])

>>> pp.pprint(events['talk'][55].unavailability[0:3])
(Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 10, 15), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 11, 15), duration=45, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'),
 Slot(venue='Assembly Room', starts_at=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 16, 12, 0), duration=30, capacity=500, session='2016-09-16 morning'))

To complete our Event objects, we’ll need to add the information from our speaker_clashes dictionary to their unavailability. First, let’s map the speaker entries in that dictionary to the relevant talks:

>>> talk_clashes = {talks.index(talk): [
...     talks.index(t) for s in clashing_speakers
...     for t in talks if t['speaker'] == s]
... for speaker, clashing_speakers in speaker_clashes.items()
... for talk in talks if talk['speaker'] == speaker}

>>> pp.pprint(talk_clashes)
{50: [19, 63]}

And now we can add those entries to our events dictionary:

>>> for talk, clashing_talks in talk_clashes.items():
...     events['talk'][talk].add_unavailability(*[events['talk'][t] for t in clashing_talks])

>>> pp.pprint(events['talk'][50])
Event(name='Ancient Greek Philosophy, Medieval Mental Models and 21st Century Technology', duration=30, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=(Event(name='Using Python for National Cipher Challenge', duration=30, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=()), Event(name='Easy solutions to hard problems', duration=30, demand=None, tags=(), unavailability=())))